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In this specialized area several specialties are involved, and consists of rehabilitating mouths in an integral manner, in order to return the patient the function and aesthetics necessary to carry out a normal life. The oral rehabilitator is responsible for returning the tooth in form, color and function. Depending on each patient and case, the prosthesis can be fixed or removable and can be supported on teeth or implants.
Depending on each patient and case, the prosthesis can be fixed or removable and can be supported on teeth or implants.


On teeth, fixed prostheses can be:
•    Partial: Cover only part of a tooth.
•    Individual crowns: Cover the tooth completely.
•    Bridges: Cover several teeth.

On implants, fixed prostheses can be designed for a single tooth, to replace several teeth or even all the teeth of an arch (of the upper or lower jaw).


They are a cheaper options but less comfortable for the patient. They can replace some or all the teeth of the upper or lower arch. They can be performed on implants (overdentures) providing some more stability during chewing.

Stages of a Full Oral Rehabilitation

Usually the treatment design begins, that is, the oral rehabilitation specialist, who will be in charge of the design, takes a series of photographs and takes mouth measurements to record the initial status of the case. With this data and using computer systems, the smile design is done.

Once the dental treatment is designed, the sanitation phase is carried out, that is, all dental treatments that involve cleaning and disinfecting the mouth are carried out.
This phase includes dental hygiene or periodontal treatment (treatment of gums), extractions of teeth that can not be preserved in the mouth, by its advanced state of destruction, treatment of infections caused by advanced caries, through root canals and finally caries treatment (resins).
Then, if necessary, the surgical phase is carried out, that is to say, bone regeneration procedures or bone grafts and placement of dental implants are carried out. In cases that require orthodontic treatment this will be carried out before the placement of the implants.
Finally, the full dentition phase of the dental prosthesis is carried out, that is, the porcelain crowns or zirconia crowns and dentures on implants will be placed if the case requires it.

What are the necessary care for prostheses?

The care that the prostheses require is the same as our natural teeth, in terms of hygiene and nutrition.
We must follow the same hygiene routine: tooth brushing after each meal, as well as use of mouthwash and floss.

What type of prosthesis is right for me?

To determine which type of dental prosthesis is the most indicated, our specialist assesses two very important aspects:

1.- The number of teeth that must be replaced.

2.-The patient requires a fixed or removable solution.

Is it difficult to adapt to a new prosthesis?

Whatever the type of prosthesis is, all patients need a period of adjustment, and accommodation. In removable prostheses it is necessary to learn to put them on, remove them and clean them. In addition, some pressure areas can lead to small ulcers. It is important that you go to the clinic as soon as possible. We will help you to facilitate your adaptation.

Can I lose the prosthesis on my implants?

With time or the traumatic or excessive use of the prosthesis, these can loosen up. You will have the feeling that they move a little bit. Do not worry. Come visit us and we will press them again and we will make sure that the use you give them is correct.