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Oral surgery covers various procedures such as diagnosis and treatment of diseases, injuries, defects of teeth, maxillae and adjacent soft tissues that require surgical intervention.


Sometimes, the procedure to extract a tooth is more complicated than normal. For example, the position of the tooth with respect to the jaw bone, oral diseases that hinder the intervention, or little cooperation on the part of the patient. In these cases, the surgery procedures, the technology to use and even the medication, vary. Therefore, it is necessary that the professional who carries out the operation has previous experience in similar extractions.


The extraction of third molars or more commonly called wisdom teeth is one of the most frequent oral surgeries. Patients can feel discomfort or pain caused by the eruption of these teeth.
In that case, the extraction of their wisdom teeth is necessary.


The alveolar traumatism not only affects teeth but the bone that sustains them. It usually relates to fracture, the loose of teeth or a blow to the mouth area. It is important to go to the dental clinic as soon as possible to avoid future complications and track the evolution of the injury.


Pre-prosthetic surgery is performed when it is necessary a previous preparation of the maxillae or gums before placing or replacing a prosthesis. The purpose of this surgical procedure is to provide the prosthesis with a base that ensures the correct holding of your teeth and does not cause future oral problems.

Do all people have wisdom teeth?

No. There are people who have agenesis of the wisdom teeth. It means that they do not have them. However, it is not very common.

Do the wisdom teeth always erupt?

Wisdom teeth usually appear in the late teens or early twenties. They do not always erupt. Sometimes, they may be retained and may not have room to come out. It is important that you attend your examinations at least once a year. If they do not cause discomfort and do not erupt causing malposition or crowding, you can keep them.

What do I do if my wisdom teeth have not come out?

First, you will have to know if you have them or not. For this, it is necessary to go to the dentist and get a panoramic X-ray.

Do I have to remove my wisdom teeth?

If the wisdom teeth are in a correct position and are not causing any damage or discomfort, it will not be necessary to remove them. However, in cases where any of the following symptoms are present, it will be recommended to remove them:

  • Inflammation of the gums (pericoronitis)
  • Lesion of adjacent molars
  • Destruction of the bone or Cysts
  • Pain
  • Infections
  • Crowding

Does the removal of wisdom teeth hurt?

It is a type of surgery under local anesthesia. A simple and precise procedure like this one does not cause any complications or pain. Wisdom teeth can be completely erupted, or be partially impacted or fully impacted. In the first case, the extraction is very similar to a conventional one, and there will be no associated discomfort during the postoperative period. If the molars are impacted or semi-impacted, we can suffer from inflammation and discomfort during the postoperative period.

What do I have to do if I have an accident and my tooth falls out?

Pick up the fractured tooth or piece and immerse it in whole milk or physiological saline. If this is not available, you can use your own saliva or water. If the teeth move, do not try to remove them. It is essential to go to the clinic as soon as possible. The sooner you go, the better, so you can get the adequate treatment.