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The White Loft
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A beautiful smile is your best presentation. Beauty, youth, well-being, and appearance are aspects of great importance in our society and a beautiful smile is synonymous of that. For that reason, more and more patients are looking for more comfortable and better oral treatments to take care of their teeth.
In fact, numerous studies show that a beautiful and natural-looking smile helps us to improve our self-esteem and enhances our happiness and professional success.

Our mouth is one of the focal points of our face, so it should not be a surprise that the smile plays an important role on how we perceive ourselves, as well as the people around us.

Lips, gums, and teeth form a pretty smile. Therefore, any treatment that improves these three components is considered dental aesthetics. Dental aesthetics includes various procedures from the simplest, such as teeth whitening, to aesthetic rehabilitation with veneers. Each one has a different function and, in many cases, it is necessary to combine them to achieve the best result.


Due to our lifestyles, food, and time, our teeth lose their original white color, appearing spots and stains, which reduce the luminosity of our smile.
The treatment with teeth whitening allows recovering, in a fast and non-invasive way, the original color of our teeth returning the healthy and youthful aspect to our smile.


In one hour, we can clear up to 8 tones the color of your teeth at the beginning of the treatment. This revolutionary technology activates a gel using LED light with which we have previously impregnated your teeth. You can see the results in one single session. It is the safest tooth whitening system on the market


As for the smile, naturalness is an essential premise. Our specialists will help you design the smile of your dreams.
The design of the smile helps us to plan the treatment and improve the communication between patient, dentist, and prosthetist.
With the latest digital technology, it is possible to design the most harmonious and natural smile for your face, through Digital Smile Design, an innovative system that, based on digital photographs and diagnostic imaging tests, will allow you to see a very realistic approach to the final result before treatment.
We propose different treatment alternatives to achieve the best results for your characteristics and your needs, always looking for harmony with your face and the health of your mouth.
Thanks to this technique, we take safer steps to patient safety.


At home, patients use gel with a bleaching agent, in specific concentrations. This is applied to the teeth with a dental splint made depending on the patient's needs. Previously in the clinic, we will indicate the frequency that patients should use the splint with the gel and the duration of the treatment, adapted to the original staining of teeth. The dentist must always supervise this treatment.


This whitening technique is especially indicated for dark non-vital teeth due to endodontic treatment or trauma. In these cases, the specialist opens the internal face of the teeth applying a bleaching agent that will act for a week. Seven days later, there will be a check-up to verify if the tone is the correct one or if it is necessary to repeat the treatment. An external treatment can help to complete the procedure.

Are there any contraindications for tooth whitening?

There are no contraindications, but we must always start with optimal gingival and dental health. This means that before carrying out the treatment, we must treat any type of periodontal disease as well as eliminating all the cavities or unhealthy teeth.

We do not recommend whitening pregnant women's teeth. After breastfeeding, we recommend starting a whitening treatment.

What is the best dental treatment?

There is no better treatment than another, but we can offer a specific one for each need. Depending on the causes and after making a personalized study, we will offer you the most appropriate alternatives to your case.

What is the duration of the treatment?

It will depend on the treatment you choose:

  • Home treatment: 8 hours per night for one or two weeks, depending on the case.
  • Treatment with LED light: 3 sessions of 15 minutes in the same session.
  • Laser treatment: Depending on the case, a 30-minute session.

Do I have to follow a specific diet?

During your treatment, you should avoid consuming food or drinks with a lot of pigment or intense colors like sauces, coffee, tea, wine, blackberries, etc. With the purpose of avoiding stains and that, the treatment ends up successfully.

It is also advisable not to smoke for about 10 or 15 days to avoid staining the teeth.

How long does the effect of whitening last?

The discipline in hygiene and the adoption of healthier habits can make the treatment last for a long time. It is difficult to predict both the effect that whitening has on each tooth and how long it will last. There are teeth that diminish several tones and the change is impressive. In other patients, the result will be less obvious although there is always an evident improvement. Regarding the duration of the effects, it will depend on the lifestyle people have. If red wine, coffee, tea, and tobacco are common, the effect will last less if patients do not avoid them.

Does tooth-whitening treatment produce sensitivity in the teeth?

During the treatment, there may be an increase in tooth sensitivity depending on each patient. Some patients will hardly notice it. However, in other patients the effect may be more evident. We will give specific instructions and explain how to carry out the treatment to those patients who present dental sensitivity.

Are there any negative effects after tooth whitening?

The bleaching agents that we apply are safe and do not cause damage. Sometimes after the treatment, you can feel some sensitivity to cold and heat because the enamel becomes more porous so that the gel can penetrate and whiten. However, this sensitivity is reversible if the patient follows the corresponding post whitening indications.

What material is used to whiten teeth?

Whitening agents are safe for the patient. These products are capable of releasing molecules that in to seep through the enamel of the teeth and the dentin tubules to the internal tissue. Thus, the dentine (which gives color to the teeth) undergoes an oxidation process that results in a whitening of the dental tissues.

There are two bleaching agents:

  1. Carbamide peroxide: it is usually used for treatments at home.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide: it is used in the dental clinic.

When is it indicated to make a dental veneer?

  • When the patient presents a tooth color that she or he does not want.
  • When teeth whitening has been performed and is not enough to change the color of the teeth or to remove stains on them.
  • When there is an alteration of the shape and position of the teeth that the patient does not like.
  • When you want to recover part of the dental substance, with certain habits such as bruxism, teeth can wear out eventually. Due to traumatisms suffered previously and fracture of the teeth, with the veneers, we can recover the dimension of the tooth that has been lost. 

Maintenance of veneers

Porcelain veneers require little maintenance as their color does not degrade. On the other hand, composite veneers need professional cleaning and polishing every year to recover their shine. Nevertheless, with each polishing, the material wears out, although it can be replaced partially or totally without a problem.

Can I wear dental veneers without carving my teeth?

The veneers without carving the tooth are a non-invasive permanent aesthetic solution that can be used in cases of stains, tetracycline stains, worn, separated or fractured teeth. The result obtained with the veneers without carving the tooth is spectacular since the tooth remains intact and healthy. Restore a tooth with a translucent material and high strength is, without a doubt, the key to success. The aesthetic possibilities for this type of treatment of veneers without carving the tooth are very high.

The lower post-operative sensitivity is one of the main advantages of using veneers without carving the tooth since it goes in the enamel. Furthermore, it reinforces the weakened or cracked enamel. It also avoids having to place temporary veneers. It allows permanent whitening, and most importantly, it prevents the reduction or carving of the dental structure. This is the main reason for patients to choose this system.

How long will my veneers last?

It depends on the material from which they are manufactured and the use or misuse that is made of them. In ideal situations, porcelain veneers can last between 5 and 10 years. The composite ones last between 5 and 7 years because the material is worn out and they lose luminosity and darken.

Do dental veneers hurt?

Porcelain veneers do not hurt. We respect the structure of the tooth as much as possible. That is just one of the reasons why patients perceive no discomfort during and after the treatment.

Will others know I have veneers?

People will not notice you have veneers. After a personalized study, we will design the most natural smile for you.